5251 Raphael Drive Alexandria, LA. 71303

This is where you should answer the most common questions prospective customers might have. It’s a good idea to cover things like your return policy, product warranty info, shipping and returns, etc. Check out the examples below.

How Do I Get My Certificate?

It’s easy. We email it directly to you at the email you used to register for the webinar with.

How Do I Phone In Questions or To Participate In The Discussion?

The night before the conference you will receive an email from us with the telephone number you need to call to be linked in.

Will There Be Feedback On My Webinar Feed When I Am On The Phone?

Yes, there is a 20 second delay between the phone and the feed so we recommend that you turn your sound down while talking to the panelists.

What Are The ABCP CEU Requirements?

The ABCP requires a minimum of 45 professional activity CEU in a 3 year cycle. Of these 45 CEU, all may consist of Category 1 with a minimum requirement of 15 Category 1 CEU. These CEU may be attained by attending a live program or live program via webinar. The Webinar must be broadcast and attended live to qualify. The remainder of the required 45 CEU may consist of Category 2 or 3.

Attending The New Orleans Conference each year, or 2 of 3 years satisfies all Category 1 CEU requirements.

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